MISPA Webinar 12 May, 2019 — Astrology as an Archetypal Language

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Astrology as an Archetypal Language

Archetypes are the lenses of our lives, the patterns of consciousness operating within the psyche both individually and collectively, personally and impersonally. Archetypes can often be understood in an instant, instinctively, as easily as knowing what a Rebel or a Teacher or a Queen is without having to think much about it. You just know. This accessible archetypal language can be invaluable to astrologers, shedding light on core components of the planets and zodiacal signs that make up the astrological birth chart and act like doorways to deeper understanding.

This webinar explores the personal nature of archetypes in our lives via the astrological chart, and how awareness of these core patterns can provide a deep sense of meaning and purpose and place, while also revealing our core talents, strengths, and challenges.

Posted on April 13, 2019 .

MISPA Webinar March 10, 2019 — Saturn & Jupiter/Senex & Puer

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Saturn & Jupiter/Senex & Puer — The Old Man and the Eternal Youth

Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn together in the sky draw out the timeless, archetypal figures of the Eternal Youth (Puer) and the Old Man, or Father Time (Senex). The Puer carries sky-high visions and longings that keep Eternity close at hand, in contrast with the Senex’s earthbound world of Time and mortality.

Both are significant energies as we approach an abundance of planets in Capricorn in 2020 and talk in today’s world is of building walls and restricting borders, while dystopias dominate many dreams of the future.

In this webinar we will look at the complex dynamics of this archetypal pairing, in mythology and in the natal chart. We'll look at why they are important (especially as a pair) and relevant to this period of history. And we'll see how they operate in relationships.

Posted on February 15, 2019 .