The 6th House - With Twilight as My Guide

I am pleased to be presenting a new webinar at MISPA (Mercury Internet School for Psychological Astrology) this autumn. The topic will be the 6th house! The details:

6th House.jpg

Sunday 22nd October 2017
15.30-18.00 BST
Convert webinar time to your own time zone on the site here.

The 6th House - With Twilight as My Guide

In traditional Hellenistic astrology, the 6th House carries a rather ominous label: Bad Fortune. What exactly does this mean, and what psychological insight can be gained by recognizing this quality of the 6th House? Through the symbolism of twilight -- recognized by cultures worldwide as a complicated transition time between day and night, the time when the Sun sets below the horizon but daylight has not entirely disappeared -- we can shed some half-light on the 6th House itself to understand the dynamics of planets that reside here or simply move through this house on any given day. This webinar features an in-depth look at twilight time itself, as well as numerous chart examples that offer a glimpse of the twilight dynamics of the 6th House, and how Fate and Fortune play a curious role in the lives of 6th House people.

For more information and to register, click here.

Posted on June 26, 2017 .